When I first saw Darth Maul, I almost got a fright; What a menace he looks like, With all the horns and tattoos. Then I started examine his features, And realized how complex he is; And I started searching for his identity, And found facts beyond my comprehend Like a magnet I was attracted to him, And my heart swell every time I see his pictures; Day and night I thought of him, And how much of a menace we can be together. Finally I saw him in the movie, In the dark I started drooling; His voice, oh how enchanting; His moves oh how hypnotizing, So in the dark I continue wishing, Out in my heart I made the vow; So I keep on wishing; That one day I can his mate. But at the end of the movie, My beloved Maul is cut into 2! "Noooooo!" I keep on screaming, Why must he be defeated by a padawan? Oh Maully, why must you die? Into 2 you have to rest in piece?
Jedi Unknown
Yavin 4
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