Top Ten Ways To Use Star Wars Lines In Your Every Day Life:
When somebody comes to your house and surprises you:
1)Exciting is hardly the word i would choose.
2)Unexpected this is...and unfortunate
3)I've got a bad feeling about this.
4)Lock the door and hope they don't have blasters
5)Say to the people next to you and say "If they don't go for this we are gonna have to get out of here real quick!"
6)When they open the door say to them coldly: "You've got a lot of guts coming back here after what you pulled"
7) When they leave say: "Track them they may come around for another pass!"
(8-10 not applied to unexpected company...)
8)When someone asks you to go out to lunch with them, ruffle your hair and punch yourself a few time a hoarsly reply: "I'll never join you!"
9) Ask someone for money and when they ask you why have a friend jump in and say "Because he's holding a thermal detonator!!!"
10) When your mother recoils in disgust at the state of your kitchen say "I agree. the sensors are picking up several life readings."


1) You have more pictures of Darth Maul than that of your whole family, friends etc put together;
2) You joined every single mailing list, discussions and fan clubs of Darth Maul found in this world regardless of whether it's official or not and what's it primary language used.
3) You dress up as Darth Maul for every chance you have, even at friends' party
4) You are suffering from Maulalcoholic and refuse to seek treatment at Maulalcoholic Anonymous, 
You been trying to get treated for the past 1 year unsuccessfully;
5) You not only know what is Darth Maul real name, his homeworld and the age he become a Sith apprentice, but also his parents' name, the colony he was born into, the age when he become Darth Maul and the age he died. AND
You also know where on Coruscant he live and his contact numbers;
6) You cry and scream "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" every time Darth Maul get sliced into 2, when you watch The Phantom Menace even though it's your 100th time.
7) You know every single move he made in the movie, even to the hand and legs positions;
8) Every single things you wear and use had an image of Darth Maul on it, even your toothbrush and toothpaste;
9) You beat up anybody who says Darth Maul sucks;
10) You dream of sharing the same bed with him every night;

(By Eagle Power)




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